Monday, September 21, 2009

Balancing Work and Motherhood

By Jayde Johannsen

Motherhood is an amazing experience. Mothers take on so many roles. The fact of being a mother is a mode of understanding life. It's a way of living. Mothers are many things to many people. That being said, motherhood does have its challenges. It can be hard, and sometimes you do need help.

People commit errors. There are always times when you'll feel like throwing in your hat and taking a time out. Despite those bad times, there's always a way to make it work. When things look particularly gloomy, remember that there's always a way. Things will work out in the end.

Being a mother means you have to take on a huge variety of different roles. You play the role of CEO of the household, of maid, of cook, of executive secretary and motivational coach etc. Being a mother means you have to be pretty elastic and flexible.

There are many mothers who also take double duty getting paid jobs. There are mothers who are lawyers and chefs, and entrepreneurs. Often, this isn't a simple choice, but rather a financial need. But despite it all, mothers do succeed and they do so very well.

When it comes down to it, there's no magic trick you can turn to. There's no secret formula to making it work as a mother and as a working woman. Fortunately, there are hundreds of thousands of women who have taken the same path and who have made it work for them.

Career mothers come head on with many difficulties. They have to make time for work and for play. They have to find a balance between raising their children and being successful at work. It's a delicate balance.

There certainly are many pressures to be dealt with. You want to succeed at work and at home. Many women feel like they aren't dedicating enough time to being with their children and their families. They feel like they have added pressure at work to perform. No one said it was easy.

Still despite all the trials and tribulations, it's all worth it in the end. The hardships you come face to face with are actually very much worth the effort. It's the hard work that makes it worth it. Take pride in what you do.

Remember that all possibilities are open to you. There's nothing you cannot due. Just set your goals and go for it. Take a look at all the other mothers who have chosen the same path and who have done exceedingly well. It may be hard, but it is rewarding.

Of course, it's no easy task, but it is incredibly worth it. Still there is no one size fits all solution that works across the board for everyone. Each mother and family has to take different paths to achieve the right balance.

There are some general guidelines that working mothers can take into consideration.

You also have to plan things carefully. Commit to scheduling.

Another important consideration is planning. It takes careful planning and scheduling to make it all work.

Finally, mothers should realize that they are not alone. There is help out there.

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