Monday, January 4, 2010

All Reality Is Merely The Power Of Mind

By William J Stevens

All of us remember the United Negro College Fund commercials of the 80s; or at the very least, we remember its slogan: 'the mind is a terrible thing to waste'. While we're talking about something different than going to university today, the slogan is definitely on point here. Our minds have a lot of potential which most of us are letting go unused. The power of the mind is something that none of us should waste and when we know how to tap into these unused resources, we can change our lives and event the world.

Even if you haven't seen the film or read the book, it's all but certain that you know of the book The Secret or about the law of attraction, the most important idea of the book and film. The idea is that when you focus your mind on something, it attracts it to you. You don't even have to be expending mental energy on this goal consciously in order for this effect to work.

As an example, take the placebo effect - people who are receiving a placebo in clinical trials of medications often experience the effects caused by the actual medication since they believe that they are receiving the medication.

We do this kind of thing to ourselves all the time. For instance, when you wake up thinking that this is going to be 'one of those days'; and it turns out to be a bad day. It's actually the power of the mind that causes this to happen.

There is an increasingly large body of scientific evidence which suggests that there is a basis for this phenomena in the laws of physics. A surprising idea comes from the world of quantum mechanics which suggests that matter (which at its most basic level is simply energy) exists only when being observed - suggesting that our minds may have more influence over the universe than we have let ourselves believe in the past.

It is thought by some scientists that many of the phenomena we have always thought of as supernatural (such as remote viewing, telepathy and the like) are actually perfectly natural and explainable phenomena, though science may be a few years away from understanding the precise mechanisms behind them.

You may not have really given it any thought until now, but the power of the mind is something which you can put to work to make positive change in your own life. Wouldn't you want to learn how to work with the universe to get what you want using your own thoughts? There are a few techniques which can help you to do just that; keep reading to learn more about these methods.

One important thing to keep in mind is that it is far easier to focus your mind to achieve a specific goal rather than a general one. If you'd like to become financially well off, you need to focus on a specific dollar amount rather than trying to focus on being wealthy in general. This makes it far easier for your mind to focus on this objective.

There are people who already know how powerful the mind is and put their mental energy into the achievement of their goals. They focus on specific objectives and put all of their efforts towards their objective, using the full power of the mind. This is what makes it happen; it's more difficult than it sounds on paper, but it's something that all of us can achieve if we put our minds to it.

When you learn to control this power of the mind, you can use it to make changes in your world; in fact, you can make almost anything you can imagine a reality. Let's say that you want to buy a particular house. You put all of your mental energy into it, imagining even the small details like the color you want to paint the rec room. You start expending effort into areas that will help you to achieve your goal (like working more so you can save up the down payment) and research how to get favorable mortgage terms.

When you make this goal the target of the power of the mind, you begin to set the events in motion which lead to it coming to pass. The home will go on the market, your offer will be accepted and you'll easily secure a great mortgage. It's not luck that made this happen; it's not just your hard work either - the power of the mind played the starring role.

This is something you can do; something everyone can do. Believe in the power of your mind and you can achieve anything - set your mind on a small goal and work your way up to bigger and better things as you go.

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