Monday, October 19, 2009

Why Acai Berry Has Become So Popular With Healthy Conscious Individuals

By Fulton Gross

When you look at the growing popularity of the acai berry, it is clear to see why a large number of health specialists, medical practitioners and ordinary healthy conscious people have taken are now endorsing the berry as a part of a healthy diet. Before we talk about why this amazing new super-food has taken front and center, let's talk about what it actually is.

The acai fruit is not only popular for being rich in vitamins and minerals, but it has become known as one of the latest super foods to hit the market. More companies are now coming on board with their own unique blends.

In more recent times, it has been featured on numerous television shows as the new wonder berry and managed to find its way onto the sage of Oprah as Dr. Oz talked about the latest discoveries and health benefits of acai. Since discussed on Oprah, many primetime new stations have done stories and news features on the subject of acai.

So where is this all leading? Now that it has gained wide acceptance amongst Americans and the rest of the world, slowly more companies are beginning to see the potential that it has as a mass-market health product targeted specially to the weight loss industry. In more recent times, new brands have found their way into the path of the buying public as local grocery stores and major food chains are now stocking some form of the juice.

The acai fruit is one of the most interesting organic fruits to recently be discovered. It may also been one of the world's healthiest in terms of the benefits that one can gain. Presently, research suggests that it contains the natural qualities of a super-food and thus, can be used as a supplement to help assist the body in recovering from a large number of chronic health problems.

The acai fruit is not only delicious to the taste, but it seems to be ranked at the top as the healthiest superfood in the world. No other superfood has been able to compete against it in terms of nutritional value. It has even been touted as the wonder berry to help people recover from certain types of diseases and ailments. People have said they experienced the following:

* An increase in stamina throughout the day

* Improved overall blood circulation

* A deeper sense of relaxation

* Healthier looking skin cells, hair and stronger nails

* Better nights of sleep

* Occasional weight loss with more frequent consumption

* A better sense of well-being.

As I performed research on the Internet, I discovered that while these are the most common effects, they are not all-inclusive. People around the world are swearing to the power of taking acai as a part of their daily nutritional antioxidant supplement with very positive results.

It is obvious that a diet rich in antioxidants helps to promote a healthy life. Eating certain types of fruits and vegetables is key factor in getting the right level of antioxidants in your system. In either case, you should seek to maintain a state of health that consists of getting the essential amino acids, vitamins and mineral either as a supplement or through natural foods.

Even though many people take dietary supplements as a means of not having to follow a strict diet, studies have shown that supplements alone will not have the same effect as natural foods unless they are combined with a dietary intake of food containing natural antioxidants. This is the best combination and has been proven to produce the greatest results.

When you combine organic foods such as berries, broccoli, tomatoes, red grapes, garlic, spinach, tea, carrots, soy and whole grain, along with a vitamin supplement containing C and E, you stand a very good chance of living a healthy lifestyle. Of course, this is by no means an excuse for not exercising! Some form of physical fitness should be a pat of your life as well.

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